Islamicists call on court to hand down just verdict in election dispute hearing

Source – April 19, 2024
FPI representative Sonhaji Said Muktar speaking at Constitutional Court building in Jakarta – April 19, 2024 (Kompas)

Diamanty Meiliana, Jakarta – The Islamic Brotherhood Front (FPI), the 212 Alumni Brotherhood (PA 212) and the National Movement to Safeguard the Fatwas of the Ulema (GNPF Ulama) fully support the Constitutional Court uncovering the depravity of the 2024 general elections.

This was conveyed in a statement by the FPI, PA 212 and GNPF Ulama together with the submission of an amicus curiae (friends of the court) by representatives of the Madura and East Java ulama (Islamic clerics) at the Constitutional Court.

FPI representative Sonhaji Said Muktar said that they consider the 2024 elections to be the most brutal election in history. That is because they see that there was intervention by the president in the implementation of the elections.

"Were we can see, in the history of the nation, since elections have been held in Indonesia, it was the most brutal election, it was only in the 2024 elections, where the Pak [Mr] President took part in cawe-cawe [meddling] behind the scenes" said Muktar at the Constitutional Court Building on Friday April 19.

"So, it's simple, I'm here to submit a statement representing the Muslim community throughout Indonesia", he continued.

In addition to this, they also demanded that the eight constitutional justices restore the dignity of the Constitutional Court which was tarnished by ruling number 90/PUU-XXI/2023 on the minimum age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates, and asked the eight justices to rule as fairly as possible in the election dispute.

They also called on the public to monitor and protect the eight Constitutional Court justices so they can rule as fairly as possible according to the truth and mandate of the 1945 Constitution.

The following are the points in the statement by the FPI, PA 212 and GNPF Ulama submitted to he court:

1. Fully support the disclosure of the depravity of the quality of the 2024 elections that deviated from direct, general, free, honest and fair principles as a mandate of the 1945 Constitution through the election dispute mechanisms in the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia.

2. Demand that the eight justice of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia who are hearing the 2024 election dispute to repent before God the Most Holy and restore the dignity of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia which was tarnished due to ruling number 90 which was ridden with ethical violations, where one of the reasons for the damage to the quality of the 2024 elections was opening the way for political dynasties that damaged the political civilisation of the nation, you who started it are also the ones who must end it.

3. Fully supporting the eight justices of the Constitutional Court to rule as fairly as possible in order to save the civilisation of the nation, because if the damage to the 2024 elections is ignored it will become a bad precedent for the life of the nation and the state.

4. Praying that God the Most Holy will provide assistance and guidance as well as courage to the eight justices of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia to be able make the best ruling that is free from intervention by the power of Satan.

5. Calling on all Indonesian people to monitor and safeguard and as well as stand by the eight justices of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia in order that they rule as fairly as possible according to the truth and mandate of the 1945 Constitution.

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "FPI, PA 212, dan GNPF Ulama Dukung Hakim MK Bikin Putusan yang Seadil-adilnya".]

