Islamic protesters in Bogor demand local government draft anti-LGBT by-law

Source – November 9, 2018
Anti-LGBT rally at Bogor City Hall - November 9, 2018 (Kompas)
Anti-LGBT rally at Bogor City Hall - November 9, 2018 (Kompas)

Ramdhan Triyadi Bempah, Bogor – Protesters from a number of [Islamic] organisations held a protest action on Friday November 9 on the grounds of the Bogor City Hall in West Java demonstrating their opposition to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community.

Under a heavy downpour, the protesters continued to give speeches and hold up flags and banners with messages rejecting LGBT. Before arriving at the Bogor City Hall, the protesters held a long march from the Amalliyah Mosque in Ciawi.

Bogor Anti-LGBT Social Forum chairperson Abdul Halim said that the action was held as a response to the proliferation of LGBT people in Bogor.

“This action is to remind all parties about the dangers of LGBT. In addition to this, our action is being held to express our concern about the dangers of LGBT in accordance the findings of the National Aids Commission that the highest rate in the spread of AIDS is in Bogor city because of LGBT”, said Halim.

Halim said that the target of the peaceful action was the birth of a regulation prohibiting LGBT people in Bogor.

“We are calling on the government to issue a kind of anti-LGBT SK [decree] or Perda [by-law] so with such a legal umbrella [our] hope is that it can firmly prohibit LGBT activities in Bogor”, he said.

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was Massa Unjuk Rasa di Balai Kota Bogor Tuntut Penerbitan Perda Anti-LGBT.]

