2022 Human Rights Festival host Bogor urged to review 'deviant sex' bylaw

CNN Indonesia – April 17, 2022
View of Bogor city square from the air – Undated (CNN)

Jakarta – The International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID) is asking the Bogor Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) and the city's mayor to review Bogor Bylaw Number 10/2021 on the Prevention and Handling of Deviant Sexual Behaviour.

The review is needed bearing in mind that Bogor city plans to be the host of the 2022 Human Rights Festival. INFID says that there are several points in the bylaw which could potentially violate human rights.

"Bogor city needs to review its intention to become the 2022 Human Rights Festival host, while improving the bylaw in accordance with scientific standards and ensure there is no discrimination in the regulation that was made", INFID said in a press release.

One of the aims of the bylaw is to create a social life that is orderly, regulated and moral, and ethical and noble in character. In creating it, the target was to prevent and deal with 15 types of deviant behaviour, including homosexuality, lesbianism and bisexualality.

According to INFID however, quoting from the Health Ministry's Guidelines for the Assistance and Diagnosis of Mental Disorders III, sexual orientation cannot be considered to be a disorder. Thus the Bogor city bylaw in not in line with the ministry's guidelines.

In addition to this, INFID also quoted from the 5th revision of the International Classification of Diseases where it explains that homosexuality, lesbianism and bisexualality are not included in the category of mental health disorders, let alone deviant sexual behaviours.

"With the existence of the regional regulation which was made without an adequately knowledgeable basis, the Bogor city government is potentially violating human rights by worsening discrimination against minority sexual and gender groups", read the INFID press release.

INFID is convinced that the bylaw will have a direct impact on minority groups' access to healthcare, has the potential to close off access to sources of economic livelihood, will impact on psychological and physical health and has the potential to create animosity.

INFID is urging the Bogor government and DPRD to review the bylaw so the potential for human rights violations can be prevented.

"Komnas HAM [the National Human Rights Commission] can open space for discussion and ensure that the process of improving the bylaw is done in an inclusive manner", read the press release.

As has been reported, the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) and Komnas HAM have agreed to plans for Bogor city to be the host of the 2022 Human Rights Festival.

Quoting from the Komnas HAM official website, Bogor Mayor Bogor Bima Arya said that that there are three possible dates to hold the festival, namely on October 27-29, November 9-11 or December 9-11. (bmw)

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "Tuan Rumah Festival HAM, Bogor Diminta Kaji Perda Penyimpangan Seks".]

Source: https://www.cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20220417150143-12-785749/tuan-rumah-festival-ham-bogor-diminta-kaji-perda-penyimpangan-seks
