LGBT & Same-Sex Marriage

Displaying 1-10 of 18 Articles

December 2020

CNN Indonesia – December 30, 2020

Jakarta – Indonesian military (TNI) service personnel who commit immoral acts with the same sex or homosexuals shall be subject to a maximum sentence of 28 months in prison and dismissal from the service.

Kumparan – December 23, 2020

Scores of parents protested in front of a state primary school (SD) in Medan Tuntungan regency, Medan City, on Wednesday December 23 demanding that the school principle resign because of allegations he is gay.

November 2020

CNN Indonesia – November 14, 2020

Banda Aceh – Residents of Kuta Alam in the Acehnese provincial capital of Aceh have caught a gay couple having same-sex relations at a boarding house. The possible existence of a wider gay community is also being investigated.

October 2020

Detik News – October 16, 2020

Kanavino Ahmad Rizqo, Jakarta – Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) Secretary General Anwar Abbas has asked the Indonesian military (TNI) to take a firm position on soldiers who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT). Abbas said this is simply to safeguard the TNI reputation so it is not destroyed in the eyes of the people.

Detik News – October 15, 2020

Rahel, Jakarta – The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) issue has again come under the spotlight after several Indonesian military (TNI) personnel were dismissed for having same-sex relationships.

Detik News – October 15, 2020

Elza Astari Retaduari, Jakarta – The Indonesian military (TNI) has reasserted that it will firmly punish soldiers who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT). Violators will be tried in military courts and dishonorably discharged from the military.

July 2020

Arah Juang – July 23, 2020

After launching a peaceful action on Tuesday July 15, the Alliance for the Enactment of the Draft Law on the Eradication of Sexual Violence (Aliansi Sahkan RUU PKS) in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta held a second action in front of the Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) building on Tuesday July 21.

June 2020

Sumut News – June 3, 2020

Stepanus Purba, Medan ( – Personnel from the North Sumatra (Sumut) regional police General Crimes Detectives Directorate (ditreskrimum) have uncovered a plus-plus massage parlor especially for homosexuals (gays) in Medan city. During the investigation, police detained 11 suspects in relation to the case.

May 2020

News/Indonesia – May 4, 2020

Kurnia Sari Aziza, Jakarta – A video posted by YouTuber Ferdian Paleka has gone viral on social media after his prank against waria or transwomen was not appreciated by netizens.

April 2020

Media Indonesia – April 13, 2020

Sri Utami/J-3 – The contemptible act which befell Mira has ignited people’s anger with prayers from several communities doing the rounds on social media. They are demanding justice and for the police to immediately solve the case.