Munir case a test for the presidents’ authority – Suciwati

Source – December 20, 2005
Suciwati speaking at protest in front of State Palace (Today)
Suciwati speaking at protest in front of State Palace (Today)

Fitraya Ramadhanny, Jakarta – Around 200 demonstrators from the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) held an action in front of the State Palace demanding that the government uncover the mastermind behind Munir’s murder. The action – that ended at 3.45pm – was closed by a speech by Munir’s wife, Suciwati.

In her speech, Suciwati said that the investigation into the Munir case identified the State Intelligence Agency’s (BIN) involvement therefore the political support of president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) is needed to complete the investigation into the case to the point where the mastermind is brought to court.

The action in front of the State Palace on Jalan Medan Merdeka Utara on Tuesday December 20 was held in response to the Central Jakarta State Court’s decision to sentence Garuda pilot Pollycarpus to 14 years jail. The demonstrators believe that the trail has been unable to uncover the real brains behind Munir’s murder.

“President SBY must [act] concretely on his commitment. Solving the Munir case is a test for the presidents’ authority. If the president just remains silent, it means that the president agrees with [efforts to] sabotage his commitment and policies on law enforcement”, said Suciwati passionately.

After Suciwati’s speech ended, demonstrators disbanded and departed in four large busses. The participants represent a coalition of families who have been the victims of violence in Bojong, Tangerang, Bogor and the May 1998 tragedy. (san)

[Translated by James Balowski.]
