Tommy Suharto attends anniversary of Islamic vigilante group FPI

Detik News – August 19, 2017
Tommy Suharto (seated centre left with back peci) at FPI anniversary - August 19, 2017 (Detik)
Tommy Suharto (seated centre left with back peci) at FPI anniversary - August 19, 2017 (Detik)

Ahmad Bil Wahid, Jakarta -- A number of national figures have attended the celebration of the Islamic Defenders Front’s (FPI) 19 anniversary at the Muara Kamal Stadium in Penjaringan, North Jakarta Utara.

Aside from Jakarta governor elect Anies Baswedan, former president Suharto’s youngest son Hutomo Mandala Putra alias Tommy Suharto was also present.

“The figures who attended, they were inter-religious figures such as Bapak Lieus (Sungkharisma), Bapak Rudi. Earlier there was Anies Baswedan, Bapak Tommy Suharto. Government officials, both civilian and TNI (Indonesian military) also came to support the event”, said FPI Jakarta chairperson Abdul Majid at the Muara Kamal Stadium on Saturday August 19.

He said that the crowd at the event totaled around 10 thousand people who came from various parts of Indonesia. “The crowd of perhaps more than 10 thousand people from various elements from throughout Indonesia gathered here”, he said.

Speaking to, Lieus Sungkharisma, who represented the Chinese community, confirmed Tommy’s attendance. He also provided a photograph of Tommy sitting on the stage witnessing the series of events organised to commemorate the FPI’s anniversary.

The event, which began at 3am earlier today, began with a midnight prayer. This was followed by a dawn prayer at which Baswedan gave his greetings calling on the FPI to safeguard diversity in Indonesia. (abw/bag)

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was Tommy Soeharto Juga Hadiri Milad FPI di Stadion Muara Kamal.]

