Tommy’s party appeals for donations from those who were revered by Suharto

Source – January 5, 2019
Working Party chairperson Tommy Suharto – July 27, 2018 (CNN)
Working Party chairperson Tommy Suharto – July 27, 2018 (CNN)

Reza Jurnaliston, Jakarta – Tommy Suharto’s Working Party (Partai Berkarya) is asking parties which were “revered” by Tommy’s father and the 2nd president of Indonesia, Suharto, to stand shoulder-to-shoulder to build the Working Party by contributing ideas, votes, labour, prayers and materials.

Working Party Central Leadership Board Chairperson Badaruddin Andi Picunang is inviting all Suharto lovers such as employers, Supersemar Scholarship Foundation recipients, transmigrants, the community of retired TNI (Indonesian military) officers, former ministers and officials of the New Order regime and other civil groups to make the Working Party great.

“At a minimum contribute your votes and prayers for the Working Party in safeguarding the unity of the NKRI (Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia)”, said Picunang in a written press release on Saturday January 5.

Picunang also invited all Working Party cadres to collect funds and campaign logistics through gotong royong [mutual cooperation, community self-help] by maximising existing potential.

A the report on Working Party’s campaign fund income for stage two amounted to 2,821,000 rupiah. This is the smallest amount of all the political parties taking part in the elections.

Picunang is asking all cadres who have come forward to contest the legislative elections to be more militant in winning seats for their respective electoral districts (dapil).

“The focus of the collection [of fund] is in fulfilling the target of seats at each dapil, one seat, one dapil”, said Picunang.

The Working Party, said Picunang, is also focusing on stimulating the people’s economy based on the development trilogy, such as stability, growth and equal distribution which was enthusiastically touted during the Suharto administration.

“The Working Party will focus on stimulating the people’s economy based on the development trilogy (stability, growth and even distribution) which was touted by Suharto (Indonesia’s second president) which is needed by the nation now”, said Picunang.

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was “Berkarya Minta Pihak yang Dibesarkan Soeharto Sumbang Partai”.]

