Labour Party president praises Jokowi, police chief at May Day Fiesta in Jakarta

CNN Indonesia – May 1, 2024
Said Iqbal praising Jokowi and Prabowo during May Day Fiesta in Jakarta – May 1, 2024 (CNN)

Jakarta – Labor Party President Said Iqbal praised national police chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo (Kapolri) and President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo during a May Day Fiesta event at the Madya Stadium in the Bung Karno Sports Complex in Central Jakarta on Wednesday May 1.

Iqbal said Prabowo was a solution making figure for all problems that arise. He also praised Prabowo as a figure with a big spirit who is able to solve problems firmly.

"Pak [Mr] Kapolri is a solution maker, people often mention that there are troublemakers. Well, their opponent is Pak Kapolri, a solution maker. He is a person who comes with a big soul but will firmly resolve every problem", said Iqbal during a press conference at the Madya Stadium on Wednesday.

Even so, Said claimed not to intend to praise him when throwing the flattery around. He claimed that he has himself felt Prabowo's concern for workers.

One example of that concern, he said, is the creation of a special national police labour unit formed by Prabowo.

"Without intending to flatter him, yes, we feel it ourselves. Now the existence of a special labour unit and the appointment of a Kapolri expert staff in charge of labour is I think the high point of the attention by the Kapolri along with his staff on labor issues", he said.

Iqbal also praises President Widodo despite being the figure who signed off on the Omnibus Law on Job Creation (Cipta Kerja) which has been accused of bringing misery workers and giving special treatment to employers.

Iqbal argued that Widodo has a track record of successfully pushing Indonesian economic growth to 5 percent.

"The economy grew 5.2 percent when the world experienced [a recession], several European countries, especially those in the minus, there was a crisis but Indonesia remained on course, on track. We respect, we respect him because we can still work", he said.

The May Day event at the Madya Stadium was a lively affair with a music concert held at an event that is identified with the labour struggle.

According to CNN Indonesia's observations, the mass of workers who attended also seemed to enjoy this concert, prancing around to the music.

Not only that, a public kitchen provided by the police could be seen outside the stadium and a number of workers were seen queuing to get food. (mab/bmw)

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "May Day Meriah di GBK, Partai Buruh Sanjung Jokowi dan Kapolri".]

