Gamaliel Kaliele, Sorong – Papua Independent Indigenous Communities (MAI) General Chairperson Johanes Tsenawatme has condemned the attitude of the government which continues to ignore threats against human rights activists in the land of Papua.
Documents containing the term 'ILO'

The Jakarta Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) has condemned the unilateral sacking of CNN Indonesia employees after they declared the establishment of the CNN Indonesia Workers Solidarity trade union (SPCI) on Tuesday August 27.

Abdul C, Jakarta – Every year around the world, June 16 is commonly celebrated as International Domestic Workers Day (IDWD).

Jakarta – Commemorations of May Day or International Labour Day have taken place in a number of parts of Jakarta, although the main location for the protests centred on the Horse Statue near the National Monument (Monas).

Jakarta – Workers from the Labor Movement with the People (GEBRAK) will hold a demonstration to commemorate International Labor Day (May Day) on Wednesday May 1.

Jakarta – The Labour Movement with the People (GEBRAK) alliance held a demonstration next to the Arjuna Wiwaha or Horse Statue in Central Jakarta on Friday afternoon, March 8, during which hundreds of women workers conveyed their aspirations on International Women's Day (IWD).

Hundreds of workers held a demonstration near the Arjuna Wiwaha or Horse Statue in Central Jakarta on Monday October 2 to coincide with a Constitutional Court (MK) ruling on a judicial review of the Omnibus Law on Job Creation.

Thousands of workers from the Confederation of the All-Indonesian Workers Union (KSPSI) and the Indonesian Trade Union Congress Alliance Confederation (KASBI) rallied in front of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) building on Jalan MH Thamrin in Central Jakarta

Ahmad Naufal Dzulfaroh – A protest action commemorating International Labour Day or May Day took place today, Saturday May 14, in front of the House of Representatives (DPR) building and the Bung Karno Sports Stadium (GBK) in Jakarta.

Jakarta – As many as 97 people were arrested during May Day commemorations in the vicinity of the Horse Statue and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) offices in Central Jakarta on Saturday May 1.
The figures on the arrests were obtained by summarising statements made by police up until the May Day actions ended at 5.05 pm.

Helmi Syarif, Jakarta – The Metro Jaya regional police have summoned Indonesian Trade Union Congress Alliance (KASBI) General Chairperson Nining Elitos over alleged incitement and violations of health protocols. Elitos is scheduled to be questioned by police on March 15.

Jakarta – On Tuesday November 10 an alliance of social organisation grouped under the Labour Movement with the People (Gebrak) held a long-march from the International Labour Organisation (ILO) representative office on Jalan MH Thamrin in Central Java to the nearby Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue on Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat.

Protests against the Draft Omnibus Law on Job Creation have also come from international labour organisations. Trade unions affiliated with the International Trade Union Confederation Asia Pacific (ITUC-AP) are urging the Indonesian government to scrap the draft law which has already been submitted to parliament.

Jakarta – Perempuan Mahardika (Free Women), a non-government organisation (NOG) working to protect women, is calling on President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo to give amnesty to Baiq Nuril after the Supreme Court rejected her appeal yesterday.

Jakarta – Smoke from flares and fireworks marked the end of the commemoration of International Labour Day or May Day 2019 at the Arjuna Wijaya or Horse Statue in Central Jakarta on Wednesday May 1. The masses of workers from various trade unions and federations began to disband at around 5.15 pm.

Jakarta – The Palm Oil Workers Coalition (KBS) has criticised the government for not involving workers in efforts to resolve the crude palm oil (CPO) dispute between Indonesia and the European Union. Yet the government frequently uses palm oil plantation works as a “shield” in the dispute.

Moh Nadlir, Jakarta – The Labour Movement for the People (Gebrak) will call for the formation of a political alternative at May Day demonstrations or the commemoration of International Labour Day on May 1.

Almost one thousand women workers from the IndustriALL Indonesia Council Women’s Committee commemorated International Women’s Day (IWD) on the road in front of the House of Representatives (DPR) in Jakarta on Thursday March 8.

Anom Prihantoro, Jakarta – International Women’s Day (IWD), which was commemorated in Jakarta on Thursday, demanded equality for women in all spheres of life, including the workplace.

Jakarta -- The Indonesian Metal Trade Workers Federation (FSPMI) and the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) will hold joint screenings (nobar) of the film G30S/PKI on the evening of Friday September 29 at the FSPMI headquarters parking lot on Jl. Pondok Gede No 11 in East Jakarta.