Samsir, Jakarta – The Legal Aid Institute for the Press (LBH Pers) has sharply criticised President Prabowo Subianto who they consider to have belittled the role of journalists at plenary cabinet meeting on January 22.
Documents containing the term 'Press Council'

Singgih Wiryono, Ardito Ramadhan, Jakarta – The Press Council in its end of year notes has highlighted Indonesia's Press Freedom Index (IKP) which declined from a score of 71.57 in 2023 to 69.36 in 2024.

Singgih Wiryono, Bagus Santosa, Jakarta – The Civil Society Coalition has expressed concern over the formation of the National Defence Council (DPN) which is considered not to be in line with Law Number 3/2002 on State Defence.

Jayapura – The Journalist Justice and Safety Advocacy Coalition (KAKKJ) in Papua, which consists of journalists, human rights defenders, students, the Cipayung Group and the Front, held a peaceful demonstration in front of the Papua Regional Police (Polda) Headquarters in Jayapura city, Papua, on Tuesday December 17.

[The following is a statement by the Labour Movement with the People (GEBRAK) that was issued during a protest action at the Ministry of Labour offices in Jakarta on November 20, 2024.]

Theo Kelen, Jayapura – On Monday November 11 the Papua Council of Churches (PCC) and Papuan indigenous priests held a press conference in Jayapura city, Papua, to address the current situation in the land of Papua.

Jakarta – Indonesia's Press Freedom Index (IKP) has again declined, dropping to a score of 69.36 in 2024. This is a decline of 2 points from the previous year's score of 71.57.

Winda Nelfira, Jakarta – Amnesty International Indonesia hopes that Pope Francis' visit to Indonesia on September 3-7 can be used as a momentum to urge the Indonesian government to resolve past gross human rights violations.

The Jakarta Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) has condemned the unilateral sacking of CNN Indonesia employees after they declared the establishment of the CNN Indonesia Workers Solidarity trade union (SPCI) on Tuesday August 27.

Jakarta – The Legal Aid Foundation (LBH) and the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) have called on the public to consolidate and prepare for civil disobedience.

Jayapura – The United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) has strongly criticised a statement by President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo who condemned the bomb attack in Tehran, Iran.

Ambon – Press Council Chairperson Ninik Rahayu has criticised President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo for inviting a number of art activists and social media influencers to visit to the new national capital (IKN) Nusantara in East Kalimantan last Sunday, July 28.

Shela Octavia, Jessi Carina, Jakarta – TNI (Indonesian military) Commander General Agus Subiyanto is considered to have been too hasty in concluding that there was no involvement of TNI personnel in the fatal fire at the home of Tribrata TV reporter

Nanda Prayoga – The Press Council suspects that an unscrupulous member of the TNI (Indonesian military) was involved in a fire that engulfed the house of Tribrata TV's journalist Rico Sempurna Pasaribu in Karo regency, North Sumatra, which killed him and his family.

Denpasar – Journalists and journalist organisations in a number of regions, including in Surabaya and Bali, have continued to speak out against revisions to the Broadcasting Law that they say will curb press freedom.

Jakarta – A number of journalists and media activists calling themselves the "Coalition of Journalists, Student Press and Pro-Democracy Organisations Rejecting the Broadcasting Bill" held a demonstration in front of the House of Representatives (DPR) building in Jakarta on Monday May 27.

Wildan Pratama – The wave of protest and opposition against revisions to the Broadcasting Law (RUU Penyiaran) have begun to mushroom. This time it came from social organisations consisting of journalists, students, content creators and human rights activists in the East Java capital of Surabaya.

Jayapura – The West Papua National Committee (KNPB), based on its organisational mechanisms, held its 6th Leadership Meeting (Rapim) at Port Numbay in Jayapura, Papua, between May 13 and 15.

Jakarta – The Setara Institute for Peace and Democracy believes that the Draft Broadcasting Law (RUU Penyiaran) contains several provisions that indicate there is a systematic effort to undermine democracy and press freedom.

Achmad Nasrudin Yahya, Jakarta – The Press Council has declared its rejection of revisions to Law Number 32/2003 on Broadcasting that is currently being deliberated by the House of Representatives (DPR).