Singgih Wiryono, Ardito Ramadhan, Jakarta – The Press Council in its end of year notes has highlighted Indonesia's Press Freedom Index (IKP) which declined from a score of 71.57 in 2023 to 69.36 in 2024.
Documents containing the term 'RUU Penyiaran'

Makassar – Protesters from the Greater Gowa branch of the Islamic Student Association (HMI) held a demonstration on Monday June 6 to oppose Government Regulation (PP) Number 21/2024 on Public Housing Savings (Tapera) in which they closed the Trans Sulawesi highway from late afternoon through to

Denpasar – Journalists and journalist organisations in a number of regions, including in Surabaya and Bali, have continued to speak out against revisions to the Broadcasting Law that they say will curb press freedom.

Jakarta – A number of journalists and media activists calling themselves the "Coalition of Journalists, Student Press and Pro-Democracy Organisations Rejecting the Broadcasting Bill" held a demonstration in front of the House of Representatives (DPR) building in Jakarta on Monday May 27.

Wildan Pratama – The wave of protest and opposition against revisions to the Broadcasting Law (RUU Penyiaran) have begun to mushroom. This time it came from social organisations consisting of journalists, students, content creators and human rights activists in the East Java capital of Surabaya.

Jakarta – The Setara Institute for Peace and Democracy believes that the Draft Broadcasting Law (RUU Penyiaran) contains several provisions that indicate there is a systematic effort to undermine democracy and press freedom.

Aryo Putranto Saptohutomo, Jakarta – The Draft Broadcasting Bill (RUU Penyiaran) will prohibit Subscription-Based Broadcasting Institutions (LPB) from distributing content that endangers the interests of the state as well as content that presents lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) behaviour.

Jakarta – The Indonesian Television Journalists Association (IJTI) has highlighted the Draft Law on Broadcasting (RUU Penyiaran) starting from the drafting process to the substance of the law that is currently being deliberated by the House of Representatives (DPR).