Jakarta – The number of citizens who did not use their right to vote, or golput, in the 2024 simultaneous regional elections was quite high. In several regions, the number of votes garnered by the winning tickets was far below the golput figure.
Documents containing the term 'golput'

Jakarta – The number of people that did not use their right to vote or golput in the 2024 election of regional heads (Pilkada) was fairly high. In a number of regions, the number of votes for those that won elections was far less than the golput figure.

Jakarta – The Urban Poor Network (JRMK) held a demonstration in front of the Jakarta provincial National Elections Commission (KPU) offices on Monday morning, September 23, supporting the three-candidate ticket movement or golput (to abstain from voting or inval

Jakarta – Protest actions against election fraud took place in several parts of the country on Friday March 1. In the provincial capital of Surabaya, hundreds of people calling themselves the Honest and Fair Election Saviours Forum (FPPJ) held an action in front of the East Java Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) building.

Jakarta – The Four Finger Salute (Salam 4 Jari) movement or campaign initiated by Indonesian Green Party president John Muhammad has gone viral on social media platforms X (Twitter) and Instagram.

Yulida Medistiara, Jakarta – Coordinating Minister for Security, Politics and Legal Affairs Mahfud MD is asking the public to actively participate in next year's presidential and legislative elections. Mahfud hopes that no one will golput or abstain from voting.

From an oped piece by Sandro Gatra in Kompas.com titled 2024 Elections: Don't Underestimate Political Golput.
Sandro Gatra – The rate of "white group" (golput) – citizens who abstain from voting or do not use the right to vote – in elections during the reform era has tended to increase.

Jakarta – Labor Party President Said Iqbal says that so far there are no presidential candidates who oppose the Omnibus Law on Job Creation (UU Ciptaker).

Jakarta – Indonesia Ulama Council (MUI) Deputy Chairperson Marsudi Suhud is reminding all citizens who have the right to vote and not to "golput" or abstain from voting in the 2024 presidential and legislative elections.

Makassar – A demonstration commemorating International Labour Day on May 1 by a group of Papuan students from the Democratic Struggle Alliance has been broken up by police. Five people were arrested because they were suspected of being provocateurs.

Vitorio Mantalean, Jakarta – Fifteen years. In such a period of time, a mother can still remember the cute little child who she used to deliver to the primary school gates, and who is now struggling to graduate from university.
That same number of years has also been enough to place three different presidents in the State Place.

Haryanti Puspa Sari, Jakarta – The results of a survey conducted by the Vox Populi Research Center on the electability of political parties at the start of 2021 has found that the electability of the ruling Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) and the Greater Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) have experienced a sharp decline.

Haris Prabowo – The total number of people who used their right to vote in the December 9 election of regional heads was low in several parts of the country. In the context of Indonesian politics, those who do not vote – regardless of the motivation and reasons – can be classified as golongan putih or golput.

Jakarta – The announcement and inauguration of the new Advance Indonesia Cabinet members by President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo and Vice President Ma’ruf Amin has attracted a variety of responses. There are some who are happy because they have long awaited such a lineup. There are others however who are disappointed and dissatisfied.

Aditya Mardiastuti, Denpasar – The Papua Student Alliance (AMP) is protesting the arrest of student demonstrators at Renon Park in the Balinese provincial capital of Bali. The AMP said that it was a peaceful action rejecting the April 17 elections and they already had a police permit.

Kanal Bali, Denpasar – Scores of Papuan Student Alliance (AMP) protesters from the AMP Bali City Committee (AMP KK Bali) were arrested by the Denpasar municipal police (Polresta) on Monday April 15 for holding an action during the cooling off period before the April 17 presidential and legislative elections.

Pradito Rida Pertana, Bantul – Taking place at the offices of the Indonesian Legal Aid and Human Rights Association (PBHI) in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta, a group of activists have declared that they will golput – or abstain from voting – in the 2019 presidential election.

Vincentius Jyestha, Jakarta – National Police Public Information Bureau Head Brigadier Dedi Prasetyo says that people inviting others to golput – to abstain from voting – in the April 17 presidential and legislative elections could be prosecuted.

Jakarta – Coordinating Minister for Security, Politics and Legal Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Wiranto says that people who invite others to golput – to abstain from voting – in the 2019 elections will be considered anarchists.

Jakarta – The Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (ICJR) is protesting a statement by Coordinating Minister for Security, Politics and Legal Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Wiranto who stated that people who encourage others to golput – to abstain from voting – in the 2019 elections can be prosecuted by law.