Arbitrary Arrest & Wrongful Imprisonment

November 2014

Solidarity Net – November 22, 2014

Bekasi – Once again victims have fallen at a protest action by thousands of workers in Bekasi regency because of repressive actions by police. At least 15 workers were injured and their motorcycles damaged by police on November 21.

News/West Papua
Bintang Papua – November 21, 2014

Jayapura – On Wednesday November 19 West Papua National Committee (KNPB) member Ansalmus Pigay suffered a gunshot wound to his right leg after security forces broke up a KNPB demonstration calling for the separation of Papua from the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) in Moenamani, the capital of Dogiyai sub-district in the Papuan

August 2014

News/West Papua
Suara Papua – August 8, 2014

Arnold Belau, Papuan, Jayapura -- Two members of the Manokwari district West Papua National Committee (KNPB), Robert Helemaken (17) and Oni Weya (21) were arrested and severely beaten by Manokwari city municipal police on August 8.

April 2014

News/West Papua
Selangkah Magazine – April 2, 2014

Yermias Degei, Jayapura – Jayapura municipal police arrested two West Papuan students, Alfares Kapisa (25) and Yali Wenda (20) at a peaceful demonstration by the Papua Student Solidarity with Political Prisoners (SMPTN-Papua) in front of PT Gapura Angkasa at the Cenderawasih University (Uncen) in Waena, Jayapura, on Wednesday April 2.

News/West Papua
Selangkah Magazine – April 2, 2014

Admin MS, Jayapura – Today on Wednesday April 2, Papua Student Solidarity with Political Prisoners (SMPTN-Papua), which is made up of students from various universities in the West Papuan provincial capital of Jayapura, held a peaceful demonstration calling for the release of Papuan political prisoners in jails throughout Indonesia.

January 2014

News/West Papua
Tabloid Jubi – January 13, 2014

Arnold Belau, Jayapura – Papuan Central Highlands Indonesian Student Association (AMPTPI) General Secretary Markus Haluk, along with scores of other Papuan activists, were arrested by police in front of the Papuan Regional House of Representatives (DPRP) as they were holding a demonstration to welcome the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) delegat

News/West Papua
Tempo – January 13, 2014

Cunding, Jayapura – As many as 30 Free Papua activists were arrested by police at a demonstration on the grounds of the Papuan Regional House of Representatives (DPRP) in Jayapura city, Papua, on Monday January 13.