Criminalization & Attacks on Activism

May 2005

News/West Papua
Sinar Harapan – May 23, 2005

Jayapura – The court hearing at the Jayapura State Court on Monday May 23 in the case of Filep Karma and Yusack Pakage who are charged with raising of the Morning Star Flag was marred when defense lawyers refused to speak then walked out of the court room.

March 2005

United People’s Alliance – March 2, 2005

At midnight on February 28, the government announced an increase in fuel prices, with the price of Premium petrol increasing from 1,810 rupiah per litre to 2,400 and diesel fuel from 1,650 to 2,300 per litre.

February 2005

Kompas – February 16, 2005

Jakarta – On the grounds that the investigation is yet to be completed, the detention of Government Watch coordinator Farid Faqih by police on charges of being involved in the theft of aid for victims of the Acehnese disaster was extended by 40 days on Tuesday February 15.