Man (bottom left): Image building?
Regional & Special Autonomy
Displaying 1-5 of 5 Articles
November 2011
May 2011
Kid: Yogya gudeg (a traditional Yogyakarta dish) is delicious Mr... how come you’re rummaging about in it again!
Man: They’re just creating new problems for themselves...
January 2011
Yogyakarta – The special autonomy that has been in effect in Papua since 2001 is not working in accordance the hopes of the indigenous people there. There are still many infringements and even human rights violations.
Yogyakarta – A group of Papuans in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta from the Anti-Colonial Movement (Ganja) held a protest action in the Jl. Malioboro area on Thursday January 27. During the action, they called to the Home Affairs Minister to fulfill the 11 recommendations made by the Papuan People’s Council (MRP).
Jerry Omona, Jayapura – Thousands of Papuan occupied the Papua People’s Council (MRP) offices in the provincial capital of Jayapura on Wednesday January 26 demanding that the government cancel the election of council members scheduled to take place on January 31.