
December 2014

Kompas – December 20, 2014

Kid: These politicians are statesmen too right Dad? (headline reads Rival National Congress, Rival Chairperson)

Politician: Yes... but no... politicians think about seats, statesmen think about the people! (chair reads ‘Basic Commodities Party’)

News/Indonesia – December 19, 2014

Addi Mawahibun Idhom, Yogyakarta – The rector of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta, Dwikorita Karnawati, is protesting the forced cancelation of a screening of Joshua Oppenheimer’s The Look of Silence (Senyap) that was being held by the Sintesa Student Press Institutive (LPM) at the university’s School

Kompas – December 17, 2014

Man: They make a big fuss when there’s a disaster, after that they forget about it

Kompas Newspaper – December 16, 2014

Jakarta – The government is determined to stimulate investment in import substitution, a move which it says is certain to reduce demand for US dollars as a result of the high dependency on imports.

Kompas – December 15, 2014

From an op-ed piece titled Democracy in tatters at parliament.

Kompas – December 13, 2014

Kid: Political brawling... political dynamics... or oplosan Dad? (drum reads ‘Politics is the commander’)

News/Indonesia – December 11, 2014

Jakarta – The director general of the International Labor Organisation (ILO) Guy Ryder is convinced that labour issues in Indonesia can be resolved by the government, employees and companies sitting down together.

Kompas – December 10, 2014

International Anti-Corruption Day was marked across the country Tuesday, with many calling for harsher sentences and the seizure of graft convict’s assets.

Portal Kabar – December 10, 2014

Abu Pane, Jakarta – Vice President Jusuf Kalla (JK) has insisted that the government will not apologies for past cases of human rights violations.

News/Indonesia – December 9, 2014

Faiq Hidayat – The Defense Department will be reviving the Student University Paramilitary Regiment (Menwa) on all campuses throughout Indonesia. The Defense Department’s (Kemenhan) Director of National Defense, First Admiral M. Faisal said that the regiments will be reactivated next year.