
Displaying 1-10 of 84 Articles

December 2016

Detik News – December 8, 2016

Edward Febriyatri Kusuma, Jakarta – I Love the Fatherland (Aku Cinta Tanah Air, ACTA) deputy chairperson Ali Lubis is suing Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama over the campaign speech he made at the Thousand Islands in late September.

BBC Indonesia – December 2, 2016

Isyana Artharini – Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) leader Rizieq Shihab delivered a sermon during Friday prayers at the National Monument in Central Jakarta on December 2.

News/West Papua
BBC News Indonesia – December 2, 2016

Mehulika Sitepu, Indonesia – Police used water cannons to disperse a rally by Papuan near the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle in Central Jakarta on Thursday December 1.

News/West Papua
Suara Papua – December 1, 2016

Arnold Belau, Jayapura – Indonesian colonial police arrested 221 people on December 1 in three different cities with 203 people arrested in Jakarta, four in Sentani, West Papua and 14 people in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta.

News/West Papua
Detik News – December 1, 2016

Yudhistira Amran Saleh, Jakarta – Hundreds of Papuan demonstrators from the Papuan Student Alliance (AMP) demanding independence for West Papua have been taken to the Metro Jaya regional police headquarters.

November 2016

News/West Papua
Satu Harapan – November 29, 2016

Melki Pangaribuan, Jakarta – Through an unpretentious press conference at the offices of the Legal Aid Foundation (LBH) in Jakarta on Thursday November 29, the Indonesian People’s Front for West Papua (FRI-West Papua) declared its support for self-determination for the people of Papua, which they refer to as the West Papuan nation.

Pos Metro – November 14, 2016

Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) President Said Iqbal says that hundreds of thousands if not a million workers affiliated with the KSPI are ready to take part in the Action to Defend Islam by holding a national strike.

Berita Teratas – November 11, 2016

Political and intelligence observer Boni Hargens claims there was a flow of funds for the protest action in Jakarta last week that originated from the proceeds of corruption during former President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s (SBY) two terms in office.

News/Indonesia – November 5, 2016

Ali Yusuf, Jakarta – The thousands of demonstrators rallying at the House of Representatives (DPR) in Jakarta have begun to disburse.

Solidarity Net – November 4, 2016

Jakarta – A demonstration by thousands of people in Jakarta calling on Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama to be arrested and charged for blasphemy has elicited a variety of responses from labour groups.