Ahmad Romadoni, Jakarta – The momentum of Car Free Day along the length of Jl. Sudirman-Thamrin in Central Jakarta on Sunday September 15 was used by scores of students to call for actions rejecting the planned virginity test for high-school students that have been making the rounds of late.
Women's Rights & Gender Equality
Displaying 1-10 of 20 Articles
September 2013
August 2013
Jakarta – As of mid-August this year the number of discriminative regulations has risen two-fold, from 154 in 2009 to 342. Of these 334 are regency or municipal regulations and the province with the most discriminative regulations is West Java.
April 2013
Denpasar – The commemoration of Kartini Day in Denpasar on Sunday April 21 was enlivened by a protest action by the Balinese Women and Children’s Social Network of Concern (JAMPAP).
Zico Nurrashid Priharseno, Jakarta – Around 30 people from the Women’s Action Committee (KAP) held a protest action at the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle in Central Jakarta on Sunday April 21.
Heru Sri Kumoro, Jakarta – Scores of workers from the Association of Independent Trade Unions (GSBI) commemorated Kartini Day on Sunday April 21 with a protest action at the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle in Central Jakarta.
Septiana Ledysia, Jakarta – Five men calling themselves the New Men’s Alliance (ALB) held a silent action opposing all forms of violence and rape against women at the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle in Central Jakarta on Sunday April 7.
March 2013
Safari Sidakaton – International Women’s Day (IWD) was commemorated by a variety of different women’s communities and organisations that united under the International Women’s Day Action Committee (KAHPS), which presented a “Claim for Payment” to government institutions and agencies on Friday March 8.
Rakhmatulloh – Women labour activists from the Joint Labour Secretariat (Sekber Buruh) Women’s Action Committee held a protest action in front of the Jakarta governor’s office at the Jakarta city hall calling on related institutions, central and regional governments to formulate policies that do not harm women.
Faiq Nuraini, Mojokerto – Scores of women from the Mojokerto Women’s Struggle Alliance (APPM) and Perempuan Mahardika (Free Women) Mojokerto took to the streets of the East Java city of Mojokerto on Friday March 8.
Adelia Syahfitri – Scores of women activists from a joint committee greeted International Women’s Day (IWD) by holding a peaceful action at the Simpang Lima traffic circle in the Acehnese provincial capital of Banda Aceh on Friday March 8.