Freedom of Speech & Expression

December 2014

News/Indonesia – December 19, 2014

Addi Mawahibun Idhom, Yogyakarta – The rector of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta, Dwikorita Karnawati, is protesting the forced cancelation of a screening of Joshua Oppenheimer’s The Look of Silence (Senyap) that was being held by the Sintesa Student Press Institutive (LPM) at the university’s School

November 2014

News/West Papua
Bintang Papua – November 21, 2014

Jayapura – On Wednesday November 19 West Papua National Committee (KNPB) member Ansalmus Pigay suffered a gunshot wound to his right leg after security forces broke up a KNPB demonstration calling for the separation of Papua from the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) in Moenamani, the capital of Dogiyai sub-district in the Papuan

April 2014

News/West Papua
Selangkah Magazine – April 2, 2014

Yermias Degei, Jayapura – Jayapura municipal police arrested two West Papuan students, Alfares Kapisa (25) and Yali Wenda (20) at a peaceful demonstration by the Papua Student Solidarity with Political Prisoners (SMPTN-Papua) in front of PT Gapura Angkasa at the Cenderawasih University (Uncen) in Waena, Jayapura, on Wednesday April 2.

News/West Papua
Selangkah Magazine – April 2, 2014

Admin MS, Jayapura – Today on Wednesday April 2, Papua Student Solidarity with Political Prisoners (SMPTN-Papua), which is made up of students from various universities in the West Papuan provincial capital of Jayapura, held a peaceful demonstration calling for the release of Papuan political prisoners in jails throughout Indonesia.

February 2014

Tribune News – February 9, 2014

Surya Didik Mashudi, Kediri – A “Tan Malaka” book dissertation in Surabaya was closed down by protesters from the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI). But a similar event in Kediri took place in a lively atmosphere.

Tempo – February 7, 2014

Edwin Fajerial, Surabaya – A book discussion on Tan Malaka that was due to be held at the C-20 Library on Number 20 Jl. Cipto in the East Java provincial capital of Surabaya was eventually canceled because it failed to obtain permission from local police.