Corruption & Abuse of Power

December 2004

Tempo Interactive – December 24, 2004

Jakarta – Around 80 per cent of TNI (armed forces) businesses have no definable assets, in other words they are illegal. These undefined types of businesses are those outside of businesses managed by TNI foundations or economic enterprises which have clearly definable assets.

Tempo Interactive – December 23, 2004

Jakarta – Army chief of staff General Ryamizard Ryacudu has revealed that army businesses, particularly those which are part of foundations “only” generate 30 billion rupiah per year. “That’s if [we’re] lucky. Perhaps this amount could decline further in the future”, he told Tempo at the army’s headquarters in Jakarta.

Tempo Interactive – December 21, 2004

Ramidi, Jakarta – Around 500 members of the United Workers’ Alliance held an action in front of the State Palace on Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat on Tuesday December 21 to protest against wage policies and fuel price increases.

November 2004

Sinar Harapan – November 29, 2004

Jakarta – A conflict over palm oil business interests is suspected to have been the trigger behind the armed clash between TNI (armed forces) troops and the Mobile Brigade (Brimob) in the village of Seuneubok Bace in East Aceh on Thursday November 25.

News/Indonesia – November 5, 2004

Melly Febrida, Jakarta – The poor performance of the People’s Representative Assembly (DPR) has provoked four non-government organisations (NGOs) to launch the NGO Coalition for Clean and Effective Parliament (Koalisi LSM untuk Parlemen Bersih dan Efektif).

News/Indonesia – November 4, 2004

Arin Widiyanti, Jakarta – Around 100 students from the Anti-Corruption Student Network (Jaringan Mahasiswa Anti-Korupsi, Jamak) held a demonstration at the Attorney General’s office in South Jakarta on Thursday November 4 demanding the arrest of a number of cabinet ministers.

September 2004

FNPBI News – September 28, 2004

Jakarta – A number of worker, student, urban poor and political movement organisations have come together under the banner of the People’s United Action to urge the government and the people’s representatives to honour their promises to implement reform.

August 2004

News/Indonesia – August 19, 2004

Gunawan Mashar, Makassar – Students from two different groups in the South Sulawesi provincial capital of Makassar held demonstrations, one group was calling for corruption cases in the South Sulawesi provincial parliament to be investigated and the other was rejecting the draft law on the TNI (armed forces).

May 2004

Kompas Cyber Media – May 17, 2004

Banda Aceh – On Monday May 17, demonstrations calling for the governor of Aceh, Abdullah Puteh, to resign from his post took place in three separate locations in Aceh.

News/Aceh – May 17, 2004

Nur Raihan, Banda Aceh – As may as 1000 students from the Ar-Raniry Darussalam State Institute of Islamic Studies and the Muhammadyah University along with hundreds of residents of Banda Aceh held demonstrations in three locations in the provincial capital on Monday May 17.