1st Man: Wow. The House of Representatives... sophisticated, impressive, luxurious, inspiring...
2nd Man: What? Their performance? Their closeness to the people?
1st Man: Their plans for a new building...
1st Man: Wow. The House of Representatives... sophisticated, impressive, luxurious, inspiring...
2nd Man: What? Their performance? Their closeness to the people?
1st Man: Their plans for a new building...
1st Man: A [winning] candidate is based upon a majority vote.
2nd Man: Ah yes, but votes can be bought.
1st Man: Then why do people prefer for women candidates.
1st Man: There hasn’t been any corrupt women legislators yet, clean...
Happy Chinese New Year
Sign: Visit Jakarta the Water Front City
For many communities in North Jakarta this year, Chinese New Year celebrations were marred by widespread flooding.
Writing above House of Representatives: Absent! They’ve got permission... Also absent... They’ve got permission too... Also got permission. Unclear!
Man: Wander when they’ll be promoted to the next grade?
Man: ...I’m not worried about disasters or if the price of kerosene will going down, Madame... But what about my fortunes, in the elections?
Man: It sank over there, why are you looking here?
Man with torch: Divine wisdom...
Kid: Hey Dad, is the problem with the fuel or the car’s performance?
Man: Better if we look at it as being half-full...
Woman: ...In anticipation of [using] fire wood
Widespread shortages of bottled LPG and kerosene – which is used by the poor as cooking fuel – is forcing many households to go back to cooking with firewood.
Man: End of year holiday? Sure thing!
Woman: Were we goin’ honey?
Man: To queue for LPG!
Supply problems in the lead up to the holiday season have further dented public confidence in the government’s ill conceived and poorly implemented plan to replace kerosene with bottled LPG as household cooking fuel.
Kid: Watch out Mr, there’s a commemoration of World Anti-Corruption Day!!
Man with bank notes stuffed in jacket pocket: Great!... That means... In the world, I’m not alone!
Sign in rice field: Here will be built the Trans Java highway
Kid: Yahoo...! With the compensation we can buy a car right dad!
Writing on semi-trailer: 2028. Rice imports.
Experts are warning that the failure to invest in infrastructure and a steady decline in arable land due to environmental degradation and land conversion for housing and industry will result in Indonesia becoming almost entirely dependent upon food imports to meet its needs.
Man: Hey, don’t forget to arrest the hoodlums in ties Mr...!
Writing on shirt: hooliganism
Writing on worm: KKN – Corruption, Collusion, Nepotism
Caption: One basket full, the Indonesian basket [case]. A play on words taken from the October 28, 1928 Youth Pledge: one state, one nation and one language – Indonesia.
Background: House of Representatives building
Badges read: Legislative candidate
The large number of family members of party leaders contesting the 2009 elections has raised concerns that it will further erode the quality and image of the House, dubbed as one of the most corruption and incompetent institutions in the country.
Woman: ...Global financial crisis, local crisis, high prices...
Man: ...No problem... Our economic foundations are solid you know...
Badge reads: Vote for me.
Writing on drum reads: 2009 elections.
Black hose reads: Infrastructure
White hose reads: Bureaucracy
Writing on pot plant: Investment
Man: Mr JK’s conundrum: The chicken or the egg, which came first? A job or an ID, which comes first? An ID of course! They can be bought right!... Safe! ... Jakarta! This is me!